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Every great leadership begins with a vision. From this vision a mission is born, and from this mission a passion for achievements. It is these achievements that make a great society.
Quite simply put, my vision is a revived NUJ and my mission is to chart a new course with a view to returning the union to its glorious past.
Welfare of Members
My administration shall vigorously work to ensure better working conditions for its members. This would include an enhanced salary scale, insurance for members as well as full retirement benefits, in line with international standards. We will do this through friendly and meaningful dialogue with the Newspaper Proprietors Association of Nigeria, NPAN, as well as the Broadcasting Organization of Nigeria, BON. We shall again solicit the support of the general public, sister unions and the national assembly in achieving this goal.
Capacity Building
In the belief that an untrained mind is an ineffective mind, I shall pursue a policy of training and retraining of members of the union in order to enhance their professional competence.
Constitutional Amendment
Certain provisions of the union’s constitution like zoning arrangements and professional fees have over the years generated much controversy among members. It is my intention to revisit all contentious issues in the constitution and redress them in line with the wishes of the generality of our members. The final end of the review would be to harmonize the three existing constitutions, bringing out the best from each of them so as to produce a stronger and more acceptable document for he In doing this, we shall jealously guide and protect the union’s status as an industrial and professional body.
Harmony in the Union
The union shall vigorously pursue a deliberate policy of strengthening the existing harmony in the union. We shall directly intercede in the crises currently bedeviling several councils across the nation through constructive engagement with all stakeholders.
Relationship with Labour
My administration will ensure that the union’s relationship with the Nigeria Labour Congress is strengthened through fulfilling of all our obligations to the mother union.
Relationship with Others
My leadership will work assiduously to promote cordial relationships with different segments of the society. We shall eliminate or at least minimize conflicts between the union, its bodies and members with the public sector as well as the different tiers of government. Where they occur, we shall spearhead efforts to cordially resolve them in the belief that such conflicts are inimical to the progress of the union.
International Institute of Journalists, IIJ
I intend to totally overhaul the operations of the IIJ to make it more effective in attaining the goals for which the institution was established. We will do this through the enhancement of its educational curriculum. The objective is to enable it achieve the accreditation of its courses by relevant authorities. This would ensure more enrolment and make the institute economically viable.
National Secretariat
My administration shall ensure the recovery of the union’s national secretariat, by using all available resources at the union’s disposal to pursue to lawful conclusion the commendable initiative of the nation’s Senate through its recommendation that the property be returned to the union.
Sports Writers’ Association, SWAN and National Association of Women Journalists, NAWOJ
My administration shall strive to encourage and indeed, strengthen, both SWAN and NAWOJ in the firm belief that their past activities have brought much pride and credibility to the union.
NUJ Elders’ Forum
My administration shall encourage the establishment of an elders’ forum for the union which shall comprise of all past presidents and deputy presidents of the union. We shall propose that the forum be recognized by the union’s constitution as a group that provides guidance to the union’s leadership. Among other things, the body shall actively be involved in the resolution of internal conflicts as well as advising the union’s leadership on some issues that may arise from time to time. It shall also give guidance where it perceives that the union’s legacies are being threatened.
Revenue Generation
Under my leadership, the union shall pursue a policy of creating avenues for revenue generation through direct investments in several business ventures with the belief that such an enhanced revenue profile would greatly reduce the union’s dependency on handouts which sometimes make it vulnerable to manipulation by unscrupulous individuals.
Nigeria Press Council
Under my leadership, the union will do everything in its power to intercede in the conflict that is currently tearing the council apart. The NUJ will engage in genuine and meaningful dialogue with all concerned groups and stake holders with a view to resolving the crisis. This is because I believe that the council is vital in the affairs of the NUJ as it ensures adherence to ethical and professional standards by union members.
Freedom of Information Bill, FOI
Under my leadership, the union shall pursue with renewed vigour the freedom of information bill in the firm belief that the bill will ensure accountability by public officers and make for a corrupt free society. In doing this, the union shall solicit the support of the general public, sister unions as well as the political and economic community.
In achieving these objectives, I promise to provide a leadership that is scrupulously honest, fair and purposeful. I promise to be a listening leader who is humble but fair, accessible but decisive in matters concerning the union. I call on you to join this drive to revive the union. It is a daunting task, but one that must be done; the union must come first.
My mission is to ensure that the union rediscovers its past glory as a dynamic and credible body with a proud membership, admired as the defender of society and respected by constituted authorities for its moral rectitude; to revive the legacy of strict adherence to professional and ethical standards, while upholding as a priority the welfare of members and the sovereignty of the Nigerian state.m,